So this seems to be the story of my life. Catch up and never record things right away as they happen. Oh well at least they get recorded. Things are moving quickly at our house. Time, babies, little boys, summer. All of this is flying right past me and it could not be more fun. Riley has four teeth and Callie has two teeth. Jensen will be starting pre school in September and Tyler is loving having all these siblings around. So take a breath and see what we have been doing these last few weeks.
And always our favorite ever popular summer activity, swimming at Grandma Mitzi's house.

Riley enjoying the pool with my cousin Matt. He loves to stay in and splash forever!
Callie will stay in her ring and just kick and and laugh. She is always so happy.
The twins normal place when we swim. They mostly have to stay in the pack and play because I don't always have an extra adult to bring them into the pool with me. I am lucky and they are very good happy babies so they don't mind too much having to watch the swimming. More summer posts to come. Hope everyone is having a lovely summer, we love to keep up on what everyone is doing!