Friday, May 18, 2012
Life Changing
For being the first post I have done in over a year, this isn't the one it should be. On May 15th around 3:30pm the lives of our family changed. Our home of 7 years was destroyed in a fire. Tiffany had returned home from dropping off the babysitter around 2:30pm and put Callie to sleep in her room upstairs. Tiff and the 3 boys were upstairs in our bedroom watching tv and playing on the iPad. Tyler smelled the smoke and told Tiff. She walked into the hallway and could see black smoke all downstairs. Tiffany woke Callie from her nap and took her into our room with the other children and called 911. A few moments later, a police officer came into the smoke filled house and led Tiffany and the kids out. Tiffany held one twin and took one of the boys by the hand and the police officer took Riley and the other boy by the hand and went down the stairs. Tiffany's purse was on the washing machine in the kitchen where the fire was started. The police officer ran back inside to the burning house to recover her purse. Everybody made it out safely, but the police officer had to go to the hospital for minor smoke inhalation. We are truly thankful for the courage and determination of Officer Pacheco of the Monrovia Police Department. He is an amazing man, who had the courage to enter into a house, unable to see and know the layout of the house, to rescue a family and belongings. I (Cree) was on my way home from work in San Bernardino, about an hour away from home, when I received the call. I tried to make it home as fast as I could, but some california drivers don't know that the right lane is for slow drivers. Once outside and safe, we finally realized the magnitude of the fire and response. 2 cities responded (Monrovia and Arcadia), 8 fire trucks, 6 police cars, 1 motorcycle officer, fire chief, fire battalion, traffic control, 1 ambulance, 2 helicopters, news reporters, fire investigator, insurance adjuster, half the street closed, and numerous spectators. The fire is still undetermined how it started but is narrowed down to the kitchen near the stove. Fire inspector still needs to remove the stove, hood, and electrical outlets in the kitchen to get a better idea of cause. We were able to go into the house after the fire department was sure the fire was out and it was safe to enter. It is amazing how the fire wasn't what caused the most damage. The smoke and soot from the fire destroyed every inch of our home. Even the smallest nooks and crannies were infiltrated by smoke. A bottle of tylenol, with the lid on in a medicine cabinet upstairs away from the fire, had the smell of smoke on the pills. Linens in a closed closet had signs and discoloration of smoke between the two sets of sheets. Anything that was plastic has melted or is warped. Lamp shades upstairs started to fold in on themselves from the heat. The smell of smoke seeped into the wood of anything it could. Our bed, the children's beds, night stands, book cases, books, shelves, anything it could, was permeated with the smell of smoke. Pictures were melted to the inside part of the glass. Luckily most of our photos were digital and can be replaced. Tiff, Celia, Shauna and Mike Miller, and other family members have been helping sort and clean items nonstop in hopes to save them. Tiffany and crew did 18 loads of laundry the day after the fire at a local laundry mat. Apparently vinegar, although smells horrible and is good for easter eggs, gets the smoke smell out of clothes when put in the washing machine. Pretty cool, just hope we don't have to use this tip again. We are thankful for all of the prayers that have been said for us and the generosity sent our way. We have had many many offers of children's clothes, but we have been able to clean most of theirs. Thank you though. Although we are without a home, we are not homeless. We are staying at the Reeds in Duarte until we are able to get back on our feet. We still have each other and everybody is healthy. We have the love of our family and the gospel to keep our heads up. We will keep you updated with our progress as this all unfolds. Thanks to everybody who has helped, is helping, and will help.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Has it Really....
been almost 5 months since my last post? I have seriously fallen down on my documenting job as a mom! Here are a few pictures to show you that we are still here and we do venture out occasionally.
So now let's try not to let five months go by before I get more posts in. Any bets on how well I do?!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Some Pictures Before Christmas
Here are some pictures that have been sitting in my camera and I wanted to post them before I took Christmas pictures tomorrow.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Mai piu si mangia spaghetti per cena
We thought it would be fitting to have the title of the post in Italian seeing as we had quite a messy dinner of spaghetti tonight. The title translated to english reads: Never again will we eat spaghetti for dinner. Here are some pictures to give you a visual of what dinner time is like with 4 children under 5yrs old.
Even before dinner has started cooking, we had a starving orphan fall on our kitchen floor in protest of not being fed. (notice the kitchen floor, clean....for an hour)
Yes, that is 5, count them, 5 pieces of spaghetti clinging to his face in an attempt to evade the mouth that could possibly consume them.
"You see, they are stuck right here"

The 5 hitch hikers didn't make it. Although there seems to be a lone ranger trying to hide in the fold of his elbow.
And here's where the shenanigans start.....

Hit the plate, shovel as much spaghetti in as fast as you can, and pick your plate clean (never mind the floor, table, chair, face, arms, or booster seat though)
"Daggum, lost a few on the floor.....and here's some milk to go with it.
Still shoveling, still picking plate clean
Riley had finished what was on his plate and it looks like he is trying to steal Jensen's plate while Jensen is busy "painting" his face with the sauce he has managed to get everywhere. (even the bottoms of his feet)
As if it doesn't get worse. Once 1 starts hitting HER plate, the others join in
I don't think we have ever had a more peaceful evening of dinner than tonight. Can't you see the relaxation on Tiffs face as the children are being so well mannered?

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hollywood Bowl, Beach and Birthdays
We have been having fun this summer and there are a lot of pictures to show for it. I have been trying to be better about taking pictures for the things we do, but I realize that keeping track of four kids at these events usually comes first and the picture taking falls by the wayside. But I have managed to get most of the things we do on camera.
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